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The Montessori Newborn Box
Learn about this box
The Montessori Newborn Box is designed to kickstart your baby's cognitive journey. With captivating high-contrast images, essential Montessori mobiles, and comforting materials, this box creates a stimulating yet safe environment for your little one's development. From enhancing their vision to fostering early exploration, each element is meticulously chosen to inspire curiosity and growth from the very beginning. Invest in the Montessori Newborn Box today and provide your baby with the tools they need to thrive.
Supporting this stage
Your newborn's growing visual stimuli
Providing comfort in their new environment
Drawn to black-and-white images
Finds comfort in their hands and develops reaching
Follows the Montessori curriculum and made by Montessorians
Look at what's inside!
Munari Mobile
High contrast mobile supports the critical phase of vision.
Crinkle Pocket
Introduction to grasping and vision captivating their curiosity skills.
Montessori Toppoconio
Providing comfort to your little one in their new home environment. Made with organic cotton.
Simple High Contrast Card Set
Capture your baby's fascination during their early months with captivating high contrast images.
Black and White Animals
Your newborn's first book with real life black and white images. Made with baby safe paper and soy inks.
Complex High Contrast Card Set
As your baby's eyesight gets better, they'll start to be curious about more complex images.
Octahedron Mobile
Vibrant three-dimensional design, stimulate growing vision and varying sizes to deepen exploration.
The Play Cards
Discover Montessori play suggestions, expert advice, developmental insights, and engaging at-home activities tailored for your newborn!
Babywearing Guide
Occupational Therapist, Jordan Morrillo, teaches safe babywearing practices and helps you get started with confidence.
The Peariwinkle App
Download Peariwinkle for free: 200+ Montessori at home activities, support from a team of experts, a global community, and Pear your AI 24/7 parenting co-pilot.
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The Montessori Play Boxes
Finally! An authentic Montessori curriculum for your little one! Easy to follow and delivered right at your door.