7-8 أشهر+
The Little Cruiser Play Box
Learn about this box
Your little one is increasingly observant of their surroundings and captivated by ordinary objects. The Little Cruiser box capitalizes on your baby's innate curiosity, offering chances to discover textures, recognize new objects, develop object permanence, and ease the transition to independent sleep
Supporting this stage
Improves their arm and hand control
Understand that objects continue to exist even when they can't see them
Loves learning new worlds, shows a preference for photographs over illustrations
Transitions to independent sleeping
Follows the Montessori curriculum and made by Montessorians
Look at what's inside!
Object Permanence Box
Enhance large muscle development while grasping the concept that objects exist even when they're out of sight.
Language Basket
An essential tool for language introduction, exploration, and organizing items.
Sensory Balls
Babies learn from their senses and exploring different textures.
Goodnight Naia
Perfect bedtime story to help transition your little one to their own crib or Montessori bed.
Rolling Bell
Supporting their improving arm and hand control and those first crawls!
Object Cards
Everyday items that your baby is becoming familiar with, supporting their growing awareness. Perfect growing tool for future early reading too!
Snuggle Kitty
A new comforting friend while your little one deals with new emotions and changes.
The Play Cards
Discover Montessori play suggestions, expert advice, developmental insights, and engaging at-home activities tailored for your little one!
Independent Sleeping
A go-to guide sleep guide from Chantelle Angel, Montessori expert and certified sleep consultation.
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Real families using Peariwinkle
The Montessori Play Boxes
Finally! An authentic Montessori curriculum for your little one! Easy to follow and delivered right at your door.