Whether you’re a brand-new dad or a baby is still on the way, you might be feeling a little out of your element when it comes to bonding with your baby. Studies show that bonding with your baby has a huge impact on a dad's mental and physical well-being. And babies come into this world ready to build a relationship with their parents. We understand dads, you can feel overwhelmed since you may not have a ton of experience with babies. It might feel like your wife, the grandma or grandpa already has it all figured out while you’re struggling to know what to do. We are here to help! Here's some helpful tips to get you started with bonding with your new addition.
Talk to baby
Babies can recognize voices as young as 1 week old. Make sure your voice is one of them! If you’re not sure what to say, try reading to your baby or singing a song.
Skin-to-skin contact
Has many benefits for both you and baby. Your touch helps your baby feel safer, reduces how often they cry and you can help regulate your baby's heartbeat.
Make eye contact
Making eye contact with your baby is one of the keys to their early development and can help your baby develop stronger language skills by the time they’re 2 years old.
Take part in mealtimes
Mealtimes aren't just for babies and moms. Be the parent who carries the baby to and from mealtimes. This will give mom a break and give you cuddle time throughout the day.
Don't worry, you got this dad!